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Teenagers Arise

A light-hearted account of the journey the Targett family went on when they
opened their home to the friends of their teens.
A great resource for parents and grandparents who wish to open their homes
to the friends of their teenagers. Also includes great ideas for starting a Youth
Group from home.



WOW! I love it! Not only the testimony, but the way you have included the
photos, recipe’s etc. So helpful for all of us with teenagers in our families. So
many fantastic ideas for us all to try! Such an easy read. Thank you so much!
(Sharon. Qld.)

Teenagers Arise



    Please contact Janine and Paul Targett.

    Tel: +61 0408 597 856 | Email:

    Social Media:

    • Black Facebook Icon
    • YouTube

    If you would like to make a donation to the Aussie PGs ministry, details are below:

    Account Name: Paul Targett
    Bsb: 017 042

    Account Number: 5032 488 92


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