This six DVD set presents a course for parents and grandparents seeking help in
raising their children and grandchildren in God’s way in today’s secular society.
Designed to be used in conjunction with the ‘Raising Children God’s Way
Topics include:
Teaching begins at home. (Verse Time)
Why do they do the things they do? (Study of Temperaments)
Anger – how to tame the volcano. (Dealing with the angry child or teenager)
Discipline – a nasty word or a blessing? (What does the Bible say?)
Is fear a necessary part of life? (Helping the fearful child.)
Peaceful home - peaceful children. (Family relationships)
We ran the course with 10 people. It was a real success. Couples got a great
deal out of the personality information and felt they had received a real key for
working with their children. All in all, this course had the best group dynamics
and feedback we’ve had from any of the courses we’ve run – because
everyone was getting something helpful out of the material.
(Graham. Orange, NSW)
This course has excellent teaching with many practical ideas for implementing
the Biblical principles you teach. I love how it is based on so many Scriptures.
(Helen. Perth, W.A)
This course set us on the right course for family life the way I felt it needed to
be but couldn’t work out how or what. Definitely an answer to prayer!
(Annette. Tas.)
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SKU: 0003
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