Acclaimed the world over, the Children Arise CD series continues to delight and
inspire families.
The sweet fresh voices of children bring the Scriptures alive through easy
listening melodies.
Review: Our own children and now our 18 grandchildren have all been brought
up listening to the music of Children Arise. They are all strong Christians wholove the Lord and love His Words in song. We highly recommend these CDs to
Aussie P.Gs to help them pass on their Godly legacy to their own generations.
(Janine and Paul Targett.)
Children Arise God's Word In Song (Set of five)
The full set of five Children Arise C.Ds. present 64 Scripture verses in a variety
of bouncy, catchy, easy to learn songs that make learning Scripture fun and
effective. From the age of two onwards, children (along with their parents and
grandparents) can sing along and find they are all fixing these treasures from
God’s Word firmly in their memories.