About Aussie P.Gs
In 2019 Janine and Paul Targett along with other local Christian grandparents began an Australia- wide movement titled: Aussie P.Gs (Praying Grandparents)
Janine says,
‘ In 2019 God spoke clearly through a series of visions, firstly giving the name Aussie P.Gs (Praying Grandparents) and then making it clear that His heart was for Christian grandparents around our nation to begin to pray daily for their grandchildren. The daily prayers were like ‘spot fires’ and as more and more grandparents joined in praying the spot fires became a huge wall of prayer fire across the Nation over our present generation.
Grandparents began to pray fervently for their grandchildren and for grandchildren they adopted in prayer, children who had no-one to stand in the gap for them. Prayers began to rise up for a new Godly generation. Prayers for grandchildren to be saved, full of Godly character, filled with the Holy Spirit and later establishing strong, Godly marriages and families and helping to turn our Nation back to God once again.

Aussie P.Gs
Praying Grandparents
‘Empowering and Equipping grandparents to pass on their Godly legacy to their grandchildren.’

Janine and Paul Targett are proud grandparents to eighteen grandchildren. Their three married children live nearby in Launceston, Tasmania. Married for more than 50 years, Paul holds a Fellowship in Biochemistry and Janine, a music teacher, made her career ‘bringing up her children.’ The well-known ‘Children Arise’ C.Ds. Scripture in Song originated in the Targett family home. Both Janine and Paul, their three children, three in-laws and eighteen grandchildren are all involved in local churches and many can be found on local worship teams. Music is a big part of the Targett legacy.